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Anyone who hasn’t experienced a sprained ankle before will likely do so at some point in their life. It’s one of the most common injuries people experience, and intense exercising doesn’t even have to happen for it to occur. Simply stepping the wrong way or losing balance can lead to a sprained ankle. While there are different severities of a sprained ankle, the vast majority...

People in Frisco who have experienced a stress fracture always ask Dr. Verville whether they are at risk of developing another one. The answer varies depending on many different factors, but there’s always a chance another one could happen. It’s not uncommon for people to experience multiple stress fractures in the same area. However, many times the second stress fracture could have been prevented by...

Ladies in Frisco who have developed plantar fasciitis often have a common question: did my high heels cause me to have plantar fasciitis? The truth is wearing high heels can play a significant role in the development of plantar fasciitis. While it may not be the only reason, it’s likely a contributing factor for people who wear them often. High heels typically don’t have much...

Athletes, particularly runners, face a heightened risk for plantar fasciitis. This condition can lead to intense discomfort in your foot, especially in the morning, and make it challenging to get around. While most people regain mobility after a few minutes of being up and about, you may wonder about some of the long-term effects of plantar fasciitis. For example, can this condition weaken your ankles,...

For people into fitness and exercising, developing plantar fasciitis can be a big disappointment. Sometimes the symptoms can be worked through, but if the condition doesn’t get treated right away, it can slowly worsen. Preventing plantar fasciitis is possible by being conscious of the steps taken while exercising, stretching appropriately and improving biomechanics. People in Frisco can take small steps to remain healthy as they...

Active people in Frisco may have to take it easy for several weeks if they develop a stress fracture. This can be one of the most difficult things to do, especially if the body is used to routinely exercising. One of the most common questions people ask Dr. Verville is whether they can continue exercising if they have a stress fracture. The truth is a...

People with plantar fasciitis may experience varying levels of discomfort throughout the day. Whether the day consists of being on the feet or sitting at a desk all day, the symptoms of plantar fasciitis will be present. The good news is there are simple ways Frisco patients can reduce these symptoms without altering their daily routine too much. Here are five ways to do so....

Contrary to an actual bone break when a single event occurs, a stress fracture can happen over time through repetitive actions. Most of the people who experience a stress fracture are athletes or military trainees, but anyone can develop one. The common areas where a stress fracture develops include the feet, thighs, shins and even the pelvis. This is due to the overworking of these...

A stress fracture in your foot, ankle or shins is nothing that Little Elm residents should take lightly. If left untreated, stress fractures can increase your pain and even turn into full fractures of the bone if you don’t modify your activities, especially for athletes like runners who put a lot of additional pressure on their lower extremities by the repetitive pounding motion of running....
