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Bunions aren’t an ailment that just pops up overnight. They develop slowly over time and can be the product of poor shoewear choices early in life. While we know those perfect high heels make the right statement in your 20s; they may actually lead to long-term foot problems later in life. So, what is a bunion? A bunion is a bony bump that forms on...

Gout is one of those ailments you hear a lot about as you age. It is a very common form of arthritis, and it’s not picky about who it attacks. Gout is characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness in the affected joints and it most often attacks the big toe joint. Gout will often flare up in the middle of...

Frisco is full of men and women who lead healthy lives through diet and exercise. Our area is full of fun things to do, indoors and out. So, if you have recently suffered a stress fracture in your foot, we know how important it is for you to get back to your normal exercise routine as quickly as possible. That’s why we have put tougher...

When it comes to pain in the feet or ankles, there cannot be a solution that comes too soon. After all, your feet carry you around Frisco all day and get you from Point A to Point B. When they are in pain, your entire body (and day) is affected. It’s no different for Frisco residents who suffer from bunions. A bunion is an unusual...

When athletes suffer a foot injury, such as stress fracture or plantar fasciitis, it can be life-changing – even if it’s just for a couple of weeks or months. Sitting on the sidelines is not what got you where you are, and it can be devastating for athletes to have to take time off because of a sport-related injury. If you are suffering from one...

For people who have to deal with bunions, one of the biggest reasons they visit Dr. Verville is to find out how they can make them stop hurting. A bunion is a soft tissue deformity of the foot that can cause pain. When Frisco residents suffer from severe bunions, surgery may be required, but most often Dr. Verville can provide non-surgical bunion treatment options for...

The million dollar question every Frisco patient with plantar fasciitis asks is how they can get back to normal quickly. The truth is plantar fasciitis should go away on its own, but the length of time it takes for the feet to feel normal depends on the individual. Most people aren’t physically able to do intense exercising like they may be used to when they...

People in Frisco who experience discomfort in the heel area of their foot, and possibly even in the arch of their foot, may have plantar fasciitis. This condition is very common and affects many people, no matter how little or how much physical activity they do. Most of the time people with plantar fasciitis can’t pinpoint any particular activity they did to cause it. However,...

When people in Frisco experience a stress fracture, they typically want to know what bones are affected, how the injury occurred and what they can do to prevent it from happening again. The truth is a stress fracture can happen in any bone located in the foot or the lower leg. Stress fractures are most common in these areas since they have the burden of...
