Watch Dr. Verville explain how a healthy diet can benefit foot health.
For patients in Frisco, a sprained ankle is all too regularly dismissed as a minor injury—until the condition worsens.
A sprain stretches or tears the ligaments that stabilize the ankle and prevent side-to-side movement. It’s not a broken bone, however, so many patients mistakenly believe that their ankles can completely heal on their own. Part of the problem is that some patients assume a sprained ankle can be treated at home.

When Should I See a Podiatrist?
Frisco patients overlook this injury because it can occur after minor, everyday accidents. They assume that an injury caused by something as small as stepping down from a curb must be unimportant.
Symptoms of an ankle sprain can vary widely, but often include one or more of the following:
- Mild to moderate discomfort, bruising, and swelling.
- Limited range of motion.
- Difficulty walking or putting weight on the injured foot.
- Popping sound when the injury occurs.
A patient’s tolerance for pain can influence their decision to see a doctor. Unfortunately, this does not necessarily reflect the extent of the injury and can lead to more severe problems. When patients choose not to consult a doctor because they can work through the pain, use a crutch, or limp along well enough, the injury can heal improperly and cause residual pain.
Why Should I Consult a Podiatrist Immediately?
Patients often make an appointment to see Board Certified Dr. Rachel Verville after their condition has already worsened. They continue to walk on their ankle to the extent they can bear the pain, and they stop treatment as their discomfort or bruising goes away.
However, patients who do not immediately and effectively treat a sprained ankle can further injure their ankle and cause permanent damage. Ankles may not heal properly and remain weakened for the patient’s entire life, making it more likely that they will have a second injury.
How to Treat a Sprained Ankle
Patients should consult with Dr. Verville for individualized care and treatment. She will usually order an MRI to determine the extent of the sprained ankle. In the most severe cases, surgery may be necessary.
Routine treatment for a sprained ankle will include:

Icing and anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling.

Elevating and resting the injured area frequently to speed healing.

Not walking or putting much weight on the ankle to avoid re-injury.

Using a medical brace to support and reduce swelling
Treatment can last up to a month, long after the initial symptoms of your sprain have healed.
To treat your sprained ankle, call our Frisco office at (214) 385-8822 or schedule an appointment on our website.