You may not think much about your feet as you are going about your daily activities, but if you begin experiencing pain, you may become acutely aware of this discomfort and how it impacts your life. Scheduling an appointment with a podiatrist is essential to keep your feet in good health and address any issues. As you prepare for your visit, here are a few...
Podiatrists can diagnose, treat, and care for a range of common foot and ankle conditions. These conditions include symptoms that stem from chronic illnesses and athletic injuries. If you are experiencing any of the following conditions affecting your feet, going to the podiatrist may be the first step in getting the care you need before your chronic illness worsens or your symptoms become more severe....
Frisco residents literally use their feet with every step they take. Given that fact, it’s actually pretty incredible that our feet don’t get injured more often than they do! However, some people are more likely than others to experience recurring foot injuries and seem to always be in their foot doctor’s office for yet another examination and diagnosis. Here are some common reasons why you...
Dancers sure do show off some fancy footwork! But all those specialized, controlled movements with your feet leave you as a dancer susceptible to foot and ankle injuries. Here’s a list of 4 of the most common foot and ankle injuries that dancers are diagnosed with, and when you might need to see a foot doctor for an examination, diagnosis, and treatment plan to get your back on center stage.
Some bunions are caused by genetics. Other Frisco residents develop bunions because of environmental factors, such as wearing shoes that are too tight, too narrow in the toe area, have too high of a heal, or having arthritis or a foot injury that places too much stress on the front of the foot. Whatever the unique cause of your suspect bunion, here are some signs...
Frisco area residents should know that anyone, even the best-trained athlete, is at risk of developing a stress fracture. Stress fractures, which are tiny cracks in your foot bones or deep bruises, occur when you run or jog for a long period of time, quickly change the intensity of your chosen sport, or suddenly start walking more than you usually do, such as when you...
If you’re a Frisco area resident with foot pain or another foot related condition, you may think that since Dr. Verville is a sports foot doctor, she only treats athletes. Think again! With over a decade’s worth of professional experience and as a podiatrist who is an active member of the American Association of Women Podiatrists, American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management, American College of...
Nobody likes the idea of a broken bone. Not only do they hurt, but they can also limit your mobility. And with nearly 25% of your bones located in your foot, a stress fracture in your foot can make it painful or downright impossible for you to walk! Who wants that? Knowledge is power when it comes to preventing stress fractures in your feet. Stress...
If you’re an athlete of any kind, then you know the importance of having an overall healthy body to perform your chosen sport at your optimal level. But, regardless of your chosen sport or sports, how often have you thought of the importance of visiting a sports foot doctor? As a podiatrist in the Frisco area who has treated several athletes throughout her years of...