A healthy foot has a natural arch to it. However, some people either never develop these arches, or lose their arches to an injury later in life. The result is flat feet, a condition that can cause both limited mobility and persistent discomfort. These symptoms make it necessary for most flat feet patients to seek treatment from an experienced podiatrist. Why Do Flat Feet Require...

Do you experience discomfort when walking or standing for long periods of time? While this can be caused by a number of issues, one of the most common causes is flat feet.  Flat feet refer to feet that lack a natural arch along the bottom of the foot. This leads to more pressure on the sole of the foot and surrounding structures like the heel...

Dr. Verville meets many different parents in Frisco, and a common concern echoed by most moms and dads is wondering whether they should be worried about their child’s flat feet (also known as flatfoot). Don’t panic if your son or daughter has flat feet—almost all babies are born without that visible arch. Babies have a fat pad on the inner border of their feet that...