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Podiatrists can diagnose, treat, and care for a range of common foot and ankle conditions. These conditions include symptoms that stem from chronic illnesses and athletic injuries. If you are experiencing any of the following conditions affecting your feet, going to the podiatrist may be the first step in getting the care you need before your chronic illness worsens or your symptoms become more severe....

Gout is a condition characterized by the sudden onset of swelling in the joints. The good news is that gout flare-ups are often caused by diet and are easy to trace. Gout is caused by excess levels of uric acid, and by avoiding the foods that generate or preserve uric acid, it is usually possible to minimize flare-ups. The question is, which foods cause the...

A healthy foot has a natural arch to it. However, some people either never develop these arches, or lose their arches to an injury later in life. The result is flat feet, a condition that can cause both limited mobility and persistent discomfort. These symptoms make it necessary for most flat feet patients to seek treatment from an experienced podiatrist. Why Do Flat Feet Require...

While they may be among the smallest body parts, toes are essential. Your toes aid in balance and walking, helping you move properly and perform everyday functions. When one of your toes sustains an injury, it can lead to intense discomfort and impact your ability to walk.  Several injuries can happen to the toes, and the most common are stubs and fractures. While a stubbed...

The National Library of Medicine states that up to 10% of adults can experience warts in their lifetimes. Warts—especially plantar warts—can be uncomfortable and frustrating, and they can keep coming back even after removal.  Keep reading to learn more about what plantar warts are, the symptoms to watch for, and the reasons they keep coming back.  What Are Plantar Warts? Plantar warts are rough, small...

Do you experience discomfort when walking or standing for long periods of time? While this can be caused by a number of issues, one of the most common causes is flat feet.  Flat feet refer to feet that lack a natural arch along the bottom of the foot. This leads to more pressure on the sole of the foot and surrounding structures like the heel...

Diabetes is a disease that affects 37.3 million Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is a condition that can have serious effects on various parts of the body. In particular, diabetes can have an impact on your feet. Learn more about the foot problems that diabetes can cause and what you can do to get help.  What Is Diabetes? To...

Gout is one of the most painful forms of arthritis—and though it is fairly common, many patients are unaware of what gout is, what causes it, and how it can be treated. Indeed, the immobilizing pain caused by gout can often be mistaken for other maladies, including a simple sprained ankle. In other instances, gout is misdiagnosed as cellulitis. The good news about gout is...

When you live with diabetes, you have a number of everyday concerns that compete for your attention. For example, you need to monitor your blood sugar, make wise dietary decisions, and find time for physical fitness. Given all these demands, it is only natural if footcare feels like a low priority. And yet, given the prevalence of foot-related complications within the diabetic community, footcare should...
