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Running is one of the best ways to stay in shape and enjoy the outdoors. But if you’re a daily runner, you may have started to experience a few common foot injuries that may require the attention of a foot doctor. Frisco runners should also know that problems from running may not be isolated to the feet. The ankles and knees can also start to...

Anyone who lives with gout knows how frustrating it can be. A gout flare-up can immobilize you for hours or even days at a time, and you may even need crutches to get around during the most intense flare-ups. While gout most commonly affects the big toe, it can sometimes affect other parts of the foot, too, even extending into the ankle. If you suffer...

People don’t tend to give much thought to the state of their Achilles tendon until an injury occurs. The Achilles tendon connects your calf muscle to your heel bone, so when it’s badly hurt, even the prospect of walking around Frisco can seem like an unimaginable task. But how can you be sure you’re suffering from some type of Achilles tendon injury? What symptoms should...

An Achilles tendon injury, like tendonitis or a rupture, can knock you off your feet for a good long time. The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the human body, connecting the calf to the heel, so when it’s not in top shape, the effects are definitely felt. So, how can you prevent one of these injuries from happening in the first...

We’re used to certain aches and pains—the occasional headache, nausea, or the common cold. However, when that pain moves into the lower extremities like the calf, ankle, and foot, it’s not always an easy self-diagnosis. Even when you think you narrow the problem down to your Achilles tendon, it’s not always clear what the problem is until you see a podiatrist in Frisco. If you’re...

The Achilles tendon is the longest, strongest tendon in the human body, but it can definitely take a beating sometimes. It merges the calf and the heel, and it helps us walk, bend our knees, point our toes, and roll our ankles. We rely on our Achilles tendon to support us in Frisco while playing sports, running and jumping, and for the most part, it...

Have you ever sprained your ankle? If you have, unfortunately, you’ve increased your chances of an ankle sprain happening to you again. The recurrence rate is at least 30 percent, but may be as high as 80 percent depending on what numbers you look at. About half of recurrent ankle sprains result in chronic pain or disability, so preventing repeat injuries is incredibly important. How...

Ankle sprains are inconvenient. They prevent you from playing your favorite sports, doing your daily workout, and even make it tough to do your regular errands around Frisco. Many times, after Dr. Verville treats a patient with an ankle sprain, one of the first questions the person asks is, “Okay, so when will I be able to get back on my feet and recover from...

You sprained your ankle years—even decades ago—but recently, you’ve been experiencing pain and stiffness in that area again. You are positive that it’s not another sprain or injury, but you’re not sure what’s going on. A friend in Frisco mentioned that you might have arthritis caused by your previous ankle sprain, but is that even possible? Unfortunately, it is indeed possible to develop arthritis in...
