Every year, many men and women visit Dr. Verville with significant pain in the bottom of one or both feet. This common pain, medically known as plantar fasciitis, is most often experienced by men and women in middle-age, or Frisco residents who work long hours on their feet or are very physically active. Plantar fasciitis is caused over time when small tears occur in the...
Board-certified food doctor, Dr. Verville, sees many patients every year who are in daily pain because of an ingrown toenail. While this condition may be small, it can certainly pack a big punch of pain, and make the simple act of walking nearly unbearable for some. Dr. Verville works hard to develop strong patient-doctor relationships with each of her patients in Frisco and wants to...
At RNV Podiatry in Frisco, Dr. Verville sees many patients every year who want relief from the pain they are experiencing from bunions. Bunions are bumps that develop on the outside of the big toe, where the base of the big toe meets the metatarsal foot bone. Most commonly, bunions occur as a result of the shape of the foot, which is often inherited. When...
If you’re a local Frisco athlete, chances are you’ve encountered an injury or two throughout your life. Whether you’re a dancer, a runner, or you play an organized sport, it’s important to have a sports medicine podiatrist in your corner. Dr. Verville of RNV Podiatry has more than a decade of experience as a sports medicine podiatrist and has provided care for many athletes in...
For more than a decade, Dr. Verville of RNV Podiatry in Frisco has been providing her patients with high-quality care for problems associated with the feet and ankles. In fact, she has performed more than 1,500 elective and traumatic surgical foot and ankle procedures. She is known for her kind, relational bedside manner, and for providing results that change lives. If you’ve been having pain...
With nearly 30 million Americans diagnosed with diabetes, foot care for diabetic patients is truly vital to their overall well-being. That’s why it’s so important that Frisco patients with diabetes understand the importance of regular visits to a foot doctor like Dr. Verville of RNV Podiatry. After all, your feet provide the foundation on which you stand, walk, and run. If your diabetes causes foot...
Every year, board-certified podiatrist Dr. Verville of RNV Podiatry helps hundreds of Frisco patients with bunion treatment. This foot condition is most often the result of an inherited foot condition, but other causes of bunions include consistently wearing tight shoes that put stress on the toes, medical conditions such as arthritis, and foot injuries that put stress on the front of the foot. Bunions develop...
At RNV Podiatry in Frisco, Dr. Verville works diligently to develop strong relationships with each and every that patient she sees—no matter the condition they’re suffering from. With more than 1,500 elective and traumatic foot and ankle surgeries performed throughout her career, Dr. Verville has developed a reputation as a trustworthy practitioner, providing life-changing results for the patients she serves. If you’re suffering from pain...
Frisco residents literally use their feet with every step they take. Given that fact, it’s actually pretty incredible that our feet don’t get injured more often than they do! However, some people are more likely than others to experience recurring foot injuries and seem to always be in their foot doctor’s office for yet another examination and diagnosis. Here are some common reasons why you...
- Achilles Tendon (11)
- Ankle Sprain (12)
- Bunion (9)
- Diabetic Foot Problems (6)
- Flat Feet (4)
- Foot Care (20)
- Foot Pain (9)
- Foot Surgery (6)
- Footwear (5)
- Ganglion Cyst (1)
- Gout (8)
- Plantar Fasciitis (20)
- Plantar Warts (1)
- Podiatrist (27)
- Sports Injury (19)
- Stress Fracture (14)
- Uncategorized (4)