Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

July 30, 2018

How are stress fractures treatedEvery year, Dr. Verville of RNV Podiatry treats several Little Elm residents for stress fractures of the foot, ankle, and shins. These small cracks in the bone, despite not causing a full bone break, should never be left alone or ignored. If you do continue with your regular activities and are not seen to verify that you have a stress fracture, you may experience additional pain and further damage the fractured bone, in some cases even causing a full break of the bone.

Stress fractures are treated in a variety of ways due to their severity. The immediate, first aid for any suspected stress fracture is to call Dr. Verville’s office to schedule an urgent appointment, then rest, ice, compress and elevate the affected leg until you can be seen. You’ll also want to temporarily suspend any athletic activities you are involved in.

How Are Stress Fractures Treated After They Are Diagnosed?

Little Elm podiatry patients should know that stress fractures are always treated depending on the severity of the crack or cracks in the affected bone. For the most part, it takes between 6 to 8 weeks for a stress fracture to heal. Stress fractures may be treated non-surgically or surgically, depending on their severity and the location of the fracture.

Non Surgical treatments for stress fractures include:

  • Modifying Your Activities

Whether you’re an avid Little Elm runner who has a slew of marathon medals hanging up in your home, or you’re a more sedentary person, you’ll still need to modify your daily activities to aide in your stress fracture’s healing. For the athletic types, this typically means suspending athletic activities like running and sports, though cycling and swimming may be continued at Dr. Verville’s discretion. Modifying your activities by suspending running and playing sports, walking shorter distances, not standing for prolonged periods of time, and taking frequent breaks off your feet are needed to allow your stress fracture to heal properly.

  • Wearing Proper Footwear

If you’re a Little Elm podiatry patient who ends up with a stress fracture diagnosis, it may be time to get some new shoes.

  • Pneumatic Walking Boot

In certain cases, it’s necessary to wear a walking boot on the injured foot or leg, in order to promote proper healing. The purpose of a walking boot is to help keep your bones in a fixed position while you heal and to relieve any unnecessary stress on the affected extremity.

Surgical treatment for stress fractures may be required if you have a severe stress fracture. Often, surgery is performed to support the bones by inserting some sort of fasteners, such as screws, pins, and plates. Called an internal fixation, the point of this surgery is to keep small bones together while they heal.

Call RNV Podiatry if You Suspect You Have a Stress Fracture

Remember, patients who suspect they have a stress fracture in their foot won’t get any assistance if they don’t reach out for the help they need. Just as a stitch in time saves nine, you don’t want to let a minor stress fracture turn into something more serious. Conatct Dr. Verville at her office in the Little Elm area as soon as you suspect the injury at (214) 385-8822.