Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

June 24, 2020

Podiatrist helping patient with injuryOne of the most common conditions of the feet that is experienced by older men and women in Frisco is bunions. This foot problem occurs over time and appears as a bump on the side of the big toe. As time goes on, the bump can enlarge and cause additional discomfort. Unfortunately, certain foot shapes and structures are more prone to bunions. This means that if your mother or father had bunions and you inherited their foot shape chances are you will also experience bunions during your life.

At RNV Podiatry, Dr. Verville believes in educating her Frisco patients. In this blog, we will discuss bunions, what causes bunions, and potential bunion treatments you could need.

What Are the Symptoms of Bunions?

Frisco men and women who have bunions and require bunion treatment have common symptoms near the front of the foot, such as:

  • Pain
  • Soreness
  • Inflammation
  • Redness
  • Burning sensations
  • Numbness

Other additional symptoms include:

  • A large bump or bulge on the outside of the big toe
  • Swelling and redness on the joint of the big toe
  • Thickened skin on or near the base of the big toe
  • Restricted movement of the big toe
  • Pain when walking
  • Persistent pain in and around the big toe, even when at rest

Bunion Treatment Options for Frisco Patients

When you visit with Dr. Verville at RNV Podiatry, she will perform a full evaluation of your foot and problems associated with your bunions. She will also talk to you about your overall health history, ask you about any prior foot problems, answer any questions you have, and develop a bunion treatment plan to meet your specific needs.

Bunion treatment options will vary from person to person, depending on how long the bunion or bunions have been present. However, Dr. Verville will most commonly employ the following bunion treatment options to provide patients with relief:

  • Evaluating and changing the style of shoes you wear
  • Wearing arch supports, inserts, or custom orthotics
  • Padding and taping your foot to alleviate pressure and pain
  • Taking medication to help control pain
  • Using prescription or orthotic devices to help with mobility

These types of treatments are performed at Dr. Verville’s Frisco office for mild to moderate bunions, but Dr. Verville can also perform surgery for bunion treatment if needed. 

What Causes Bunions

There are many things that can cause this foot condition and require bunion treatment. However, bunions are most often the result of foot shape and structure. As we mentioned, many people whose parents had bunions will end up requiring bunion treatment as well because they have inherited a bunion-prone foot shape in which the big toe leans toward the second toe, causing the joint of the big toe to enlarge.

Other causes of bunions are:

  • Medical conditions such as arthritis
  • Consistently wearing tight shoes that push the toes together or put stress on the front of the foot
  • Foot injuries can put stress on the front of the foot

How to Prevent Bunions

Even if you have a foot shape that is prone to bunions, there are things you can do to prevent ever needing bunion treatment, including:

  • Always wearing comfortable shoes that provide room for all toes
  • Wearing the right shoe size
  • Choosing shoes that have a wide toe box that provides extra space between your toes and the end of the shoe

It’s a good idea to have your shoe size checked every year as shoe size changes throughout our lives—even as adults.

Dr. Verville Can Provide Bunion Treatment to Give Your Feet a Break

With more than 10 years of experience, Dr. Verville has provided hundreds of patients with relief from bunions. If you are in pain and you think it might be caused by bunions, don’t wait to call Dr. Verville to make an initial consultation. She will personalize a treatment plan to meet your needs. Just call a member of her friendly team today at (214) 385-8822 to get started!