Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

February 13, 2019

Plantar fasciitis friscoPeople in Frisco who experience discomfort in the heel area of their foot, and possibly even in the arch of their foot, may have plantar fasciitis. This condition is very common and affects many people, no matter how little or how much physical activity they do. Most of the time people with plantar fasciitis can’t pinpoint any particular activity they did to cause it. However, knowing the main cause and other possible causes of plantar fasciitis can help Frisco people prevent the development of the condition.

Abnormal Foot Motion

Abnormal foot motion is the most common reason why people develop plantar fasciitis. During walking or running, the outside of the heel will land on the ground first and then roll inward as the foot moves forward. The arch of the foot will naturally flatten during this motion. However, the arch can sometimes flatten too much and create an abnormal foot motion, which over time can lead to plantar fasciitis. The reason why this is the most common cause of plantar fasciitis is people don’t know they are walking or running incorrectly. And since it doesn’t necessarily require a sudden occurrence, the symptoms will gradually increase.

Other Contributing Factors to Plantar Fasciitis

The unique aspect of plantar fasciitis is there are many different ways it can develop. Whether a patient is an active athlete or rarely does any physical activity, there’s a possibility of developing it. Here are some other factors that could cause plantar fasciitis:

  • Landing on the feet improperly. This can happen when doing normal activities like climbing a ladder, stepping onto or off of a street curb, jumping or running. If the foot lands incorrectly, the plantar fascia could be injured.
  • Biomechanical problems. This involves the mechanics of the foot not working correctly for any given reason. Sometimes the person’s shoes aren’t supportive enough for the arch or connective tissue in the foot. Every person’s foot is unique, so getting the biomechanics evaluated can prevent plantar fasciitis from occurring.
  • Not stretching enough. Stretching the arches of the feet is often overlooked prior to The best way to do so is by starting activities slowly and doing a quick warm-up jog if possible.
  • Uphill walking or running. This activity puts the ankle and foot in an awkward position and can stretch out the fascia and other tissues too much.

Preventing Plantar Fasciitis

Every patient wants to know how to prevent plantar fasciitis when they are diagnosed with it. Plantar fasciitis can sideline any physical activity for a while as it goes through the healing process. Understanding the leading causes of the condition can help every individual evaluate how they are exercising, and the movements created as a result. Most of the time slight alterations can prevent the condition from occurring.

RNV Podiatry wants to help patients in Frisco get back on their feet and live a lifestyle they desire. Plantar fasciitis can alter anyone’s lifestyle, but we are here with you along the way on your road to recovery.

If you have any discomfort in your foot or ankle area, contact us at (214) 385-8822, and Dr. Verville will provide a comprehensive evaluation to determine the cause and best treatment options.