Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

July 2, 2018

How is the severity of a bunion determinedA bunion is an often painful condition of the big toe that is caused either by genetic or environmental factors, such as frequently wearing high heels, arthritis, and injuries that put stress on the front of the foot. A bunion occurs when one of these causes results in your big toe leaning towards your second toe, instead of sticking out straight as it naturally should. As a result, Frisco patients with bunions may experience a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Pain and soreness
  • Inflammation and redness
  • Burning sensations and numbness in and around the front of your affected foot
  • A large, visible bump on the outside of your big toe
  • Visible swelling and redness at the joint of your affected big toe
  • Thickened skin, which can occur either at the base of your big toe or the front of the affected area
  • Limited mobility of your big toe
  • Pain experienced when walking
  • Frequent and persistent pain in your big toe, even when you are off your feet and resting

Frisco podiatry patients should know that bunion treatment varies widely depending on the severity of the bunion the patient is experiencing. Below is a discussion of how bunion severity is determined, and what bunion treatment options are best considering the seriousness of your bunion.

Determining How Severe Your Bunion Is

No amount of Internet research or self-evaluation of your foot is going to help you self-diagnose the severity of your bunion. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, you need to see Dr. Verville for a bunion evaluation, and so she can develop a personalized bunion treatment plan for you.

Bunions are rated on a medical scale of mild to severe depending on the width of the metatarsal angle. Don’t worry – we’re going to explaining these medical terms to you right now! The metatarsal angle is a medical term that refers to the spacing between the metatarsal bones in your big toe and in the toe immediately next to it. The wider the metatarsal angle, the more severe your particular bunion is considered.

What Are Bunion Treatment Options?

There are an array of bunion treatment options depending on the severity of your bunion. These include:

  • Changing the type of shoes you wear to more supportive, comfortable shoes (that is, nix those high heels!)
  • Utilizing arch supports, shoe inserts or customized, prescription orthotics
  • Reducing pressure and pain in your foot by taping or padding your toe
  • Having a special bunion surgery called a bunionectomy to remove swollen tissue surrounding the big toe joint, removing part of your big toe’s bone to straighten it, realigning your big toe with the long bone that stretches between the back part of your foot, and/or permanently rejoining the bones

Frisco Area Residents Should Call Dr. Verville If They Suspect They Have A Bunion 

As you can see, bunion treatment varies widely depending on the severity of your bunion, and only an examination and X-ray by a podiatrist can properly diagnose the degree of the problem. If you suspect you have a bunion, you should see Dr. Verville right away so you can experience relief! Contact our office in Frisco at (214) 385-8822 to schedule an appointment.