Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

April 1, 2016

A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled lump that grows near joints and crops up without warning and no direct cause. The current theory is that they are related to joint or tendon irritation or mechanical changes, but do not typically cause pain. Plano patients should visit a podiatrist once they notice a ganglion cyst growing in size or causing pain or discomfort.

What Is a Ganglion Cyst?

Ganglion cysts often form on the ankle, foot, or hand. Because the condition is harmless and will not spread to other body parts, a podiatrist will likely recommend waiting and observing any changes. Most ganglion cysts will disappear on their own, but others may require a visit to the doctor to relieve painful symptoms.


If you notice any changes to your foot or ankle, you should visit a podiatrist for more specific information about your condition. A ganglion cyst commonly forms on the side of the foot or top of the ankle. A podiatrist will be able to diagnose a ganglion cyst during a physical exam and may require imaging tests to determine the size and severity.

How Can I Treat It?

If your ganglion cyst is not causing you any pain or discomfort then your podiatrist will recommend observation to see if the problem resolves on its own. If your condition worsens then you may be treated with:

  • Splints to immobilize the cyst.
  • Anti-inflammatory medication to bring down swelling.
  • Aspiration to remove fluid.

If none of these treatments are effective, then surgery may be needed to completely remove the cyst and part of the joint or tendon it is attached to. All procedures have high success rates and surgical treatment for this condition has very low levels of complication.

If you suspect you have a ganglion cyst, call Dr. Verville today to discuss your treatment options. 214-385-8822