Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

June 4, 2018

Doctor examining patient's FootIf you’re a Frisco area resident with foot pain or another foot related condition, you may think that since Dr. Verville is a sports foot doctor, she only treats athletes. Think again! With over a decade’s worth of professional experience and as a podiatrist who is an active member of the American Association of Women Podiatrists, American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management, American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons, American Podiatric Medical Association, and the Texas Podiatric Medical Association, Dr. Verville is trained and skilled to assist with any foot or ankle related injury or condition – whether or not playing sports was the cause of the injury.

Non-Athletic Conditions Treated by Dr. Verville

As a sports foot doctor, Frisco podiatrist Dr. Verville often treats athletes who have experienced common sports injuries to their feet and ankles. But, her practice doesn’t stop there. Dr. Verville also treats a variety of patients with non-sports related injuries including:

  • Diabetic Foot Treatment

Poor circulation and nerve damage cause diabetics to experience a number of foot problems, including neuropathy, and reduced blood flow to your feet. If you have diabetes, you should have a podiatrist, even someone who typically describes herself as a sports foot doctor, on your list of regularly visited health practitioners.

  • Foot Gout

Foot gout is a painful sensation experienced in and around the big toe joint near your toenail. As a Frisco sports foot doctor and podiatrist, Dr. Verville helps several patients with gout every year. She typically recommends they first make dietary changes, including cutting back on red meat, alcohol and high fructose corn syrup, which can cause this condition. If dietary changes don’t reduce your symptoms, anti-inflammatory medication may be necessary.

  • Hammertoes

Some Frisco patients experience hammertoes, or a deformity in the toes on their feet. Commonly caused by wearing narrow, tight shoes with higher heels, hammertoes may require surgery to repair them.

  • Morton’s Neuroma

A painful foot condition localized in the balls of your feet, Morton’s neuroma can require patients to change to more comfortable shoes, use shoe supports or inserts, pad and tape their feet, take pain medication and utilize prescription orthotic devices to make it easier to stay mobile.

  • Soft Tissue Masses

Tight footwear, bunions, and hammertoes can cause soft tissue masses to form on your feet. While typically benign, treatment for this condition is usually changing to more comfortable shoes, wearing shoe inserts, padding and taping your feet, and using prescription orthotics.

  • Bunion Surgery

As a Frisco podiatrist, Dr. Verville frequently performs bunion surgery. This treatment is needed in patients who frequently wear high heels, have arthritis of the feet, experience foot injuries, or are genetically prone to this condition.

  • Flat Feet

Typically caused when the arches of your feet don’t properly develop during childhood, flat feet can be treated with non-invasive options, such as switching to more comfortable shoes, using prescription orthotics, using shoe supports and inserts, and padding and taping your feet.

  • Fungal Toenail

Frisco residents who experience this infection should seek Dr. Verville’s assistance to receive oral antifungal medication, topical medication, and medicated polish.

  • Tarsal Tunnel

If you’re experiencing heel or ankle pain, it may be due to tarsal tunnel, the small space inside your ankle next to your ankle bone where a number of nerves exist. Treating tarsal tunnel may be as simple as changing your shoes or wearing shoe inserts or prescription orthotics, or as serious as requiring physical therapy.

  • Arthritis Foot and Ankle Conditions

Nobody likes to have arthritis, especially in the feet. Physical therapy, medication, exercises and rest can alleviate its painful symptoms, though. 

  • Corns and Calluses

Typically caused by tight footwear, bunions or hammertoes, corns and calluses can be treated non-invasively by changing shoes, using shoe inserts or prescription orthotics.

  • Ganglion Cyst

A benign soft tissue mass, ganglion foot cysts are commonly caused by bunion or hammertoes, shoes that don’t fit properly and wearing shoes without wearing socks, which can cause friction between the shoe and the foot.

  • Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be genetically passed down, or by improper clipping of the toenails. Serious cases can be resolved by a podiatrist like Dr. Verville by removing part of the toenail.

  • Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are caused by direct contact with the human papillomavirus (HPV) and can occur when using public areas like swimming pools or gym showers, or by walking barefoot.

Call Dr. Verville for Any of Your Podiatry Needs

As you can see from the list above, a sports foot doctor doesn’t only treat sports related injuries. If you have one of the conditions listed above and live in the Frisco area, call Dr. Verville’s office to schedule an appointment at (214) 385-8822.