Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

July 3, 2019

Plantar fasciitis friscoWhen men and women in Frisco have pain in their feet, specifically around their big toe joint near their toenail, they could be experiencing the first symptoms of gout. Gout is no laughing matter and can also cause pain for people in several other areas of their body such as the elbows, ankles, knees, wrists, and fingers. If you are experiencing pain in your toe joint, board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Verville can help. She has performed over 1,500 foot and ankle procedures over the past 10 years and uses the latest technology to bring relief to her patients.

What You Need To Know About Gout

Unfortunately, gout is a very common form of arthritis. It is an ailment that can affect anyone and is very complex in nature. Gout is characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness in the affected joints and it most often attacks the big toe joint. It is not uncommon for gout to flare up in the middle of the night with sudden pain that causes you to wake up. Patients in Frisco often describe the pain as a sensation that their toe is on fire. The toe joint will even feel warm to the touch and swollen. Other symptoms of gout include:

  • Lingering discomfort in the affected joint
  • Redness at the site of the pain
  • Limited range of motion in the affected joint

When Frisco men and women experience an attack of gout, almost all contact to the joint causes them unbearable pain. Gout symptoms usually come and go, but Dr. Verville recommends several things to help her patients avoid flare-ups and manage their symptoms.

  • Reduce your red meat intake
  • Lower your alcohol consumption
  • Avoid food with high-fructose corn syrup

How Gout Is Diagnosed

Before Dr. Verville is able to diagnose your joint pain as gout, she will first need to rule out other possible causes of joint pain such as injury, another type of arthritis, or inflammation due to infection. To do this, she may perform some of the following tests in her Frisco office:

  • Joint Fluid Test: Verville will use a needle to take fluid from your affected joint. This is the best way to diagnose gout. If urate crystals are found in the fluid, gout is present.
  • Blood Test: A blood test may be ordered to measure the levels of uric acid and creatinine in your blood. This is not a definitive test, as some people have naturally higher amounts of uric acid in their blood, but do not have gout. On the other hand, some people could have normal levels of uric acid, but be experiencing symptoms of gout.
  • X-ray: A joint x-ray is used to rule out other causes of joint inflammation.
  • CT Scan: A CT scan may be used to further examine the soft tissues and joint of the affected area. This is another way to look for urate crystals within the joint.

Don’t Let Gout Keep You Down

If you think you’ve been suffering from gout pain and have had symptoms like those listed above, don’t wait another day to call RNV Podiatry! Dr. Verville is passionate about her work and providing relief to each of her patients. She is always learning and exploring new techniques and solutions to problems Frisco men and women suffer from.

Call her office today at (214) 385-8822 to book your appointment