Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

August 10, 2016

Good foot doctorExperience and dedication distinguish the best from the rest in most professions, and a good foot doctor is no exception. During my time as a podiatrist in the Frisco area, I’ve heard about the challenges that my patients face finding someone they trust to treat them.

Impressive credentials and decades of experience are important, but so is treating the patient like a person and not a set of symptoms.

At my practice, we balance compassion with professionalism to treat a variety of traumatic and chronic foot injuries. Patients come in with injuries aggravated by everyday choices that can easily be corrected by a foot doctor who is engaged in her patients’ lives.

Three Important Traits of a Good Foot Doctor

We all want treatment from a top expert in the field. Someone who knows what they’re talking about and has successfully treated different conditions. The top two characteristics to look for in a foot doctor are:

  • Education: Training in a range of foot and ankle injuries associated with different lifestyles.
  • Experience: Years of experience treating traumatic and chronic foot injuries during residency.

But there’s more to being a good foot doctor than just performing procedures. Bedside manner goes a long way in healing patients’ spirits as well as their physical injuries. At my practice, I treat all of my patients with the care and consideration I’d want to receive as a patient.

Patient Happiness and Bedside Manner

When I first started my practice, I found that patients wanted more than credentials. They wanted a foot doctor who took an extra step to make them feel comfortable and welcome at the office.

Even before deciding to become a podiatrist, I was interested in foot care. I’d been dancing since I was a little girl and experienced many of the same injuries as my patients. By approaching treatment from this perspective, my patients tend to feel more at ease with any suggestions or questions. I speak from a place of experience, not only as a foot doctor but also as a former patient myself.

To find out more about foot care, contact our Plano office at (214) 385-8822.