Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

July 16, 2018

Preventing stress fracturesFrisco area residents should know that anyone, even the best-trained athlete, is at risk of developing a stress fracture. Stress fractures, which are tiny cracks in your foot bones or deep bruises, occur when you run or jog for a long period of time, quickly change the intensity of your chosen sport, or suddenly start walking more than you usually do, such as when you are on vacation. While stress fractures can happen to anyone, here are 9 tips to prevent you from becoming a victim of stress fractures!

  • Gradually Make Sports Training Adjustments

We get it. Athletic Frisco residents who really want to make an impact in their chosen sport want to be operating at full capacity as soon as possible. But, doing so, even if you feel you have the strength to make a quick adjustment, can put too much pressure on your feet. Instead, you should gradually increase the intensity of your sports playing or workouts to keep your feet fracture-free.

  • Change Running Surfaces Carefully

If you’re going for a long run, or perhaps even participating in a competitive race, it’s possible that you’ll be changing running surfaces throughout your run. Make these transitions carefully. Each surface you run on puts a different amount of stress on your feet, and if you transition too quickly from say, soft grass to hard asphalt, you could put yourself at risk for fracturing your foot.

  • Check Your Equipment and Shoes

Any Frisco resident who is doing any walking, jogging, running or playing a sport should have proper equipment and shoes in order to adequately support their feet. Make sure you consult with podiatrist, Dr. Verville, to be sure you have the right shoes and the right type of equipment for your chosen activity.

  • Make Sure You’re Using Proper Form

There’s nothing like bad form or posture that can put you at risk for a stress fracture injury. Whether you’re walking, jogging, running or playing another sport, ask a buddy to check your form to confirm you are participating properly.

  • Stock Up on Calcium and Vitamin D

Both calcium and vitamin D are known to strengthen bones and help reduce your risk of fractures. If you’re an athlete, or even if you’re planning a trip in which you’ll be more active than usual, make sure you are getting plenty of both of these supplements to stay safe.

  • Cautiously Transition from Off-Season to Peak-Season

Just like you need to gradually build up your intensity of the sport you are playing, you need to gently ease yourself into your chosen sport when the season starts. This means you need to have a gradual training plan during the off-season, so you’ll be ready to perform to your fullest capacity when the official season starts.

  • Practice Cross-Training

If you’re a Frisco athlete, one of the best things you can do to prevent stress fractures is to cross-train. This means if you’re a runner, consider picking up a few days of weight-lifting, too. Or if you are an avid basketball player, hit the treadmill a few times a week. By cross-training, you’ll be stronger and less likely to injure yourself.

  • Take Breaks During Vacation

Even if you aren’t an athlete and are more of a sedentary person, everyone knows you’re more likely be “on the go” when you’re on vacation. Just think about taking a trip to Disney World. It seems like you walk miles and miles every day! If you’re on vacation and you’re not a typically active person, make sure to take frequent breaks throughout the day, so you don’t inadvertently injure yourself when you’re supposed to be experiencing the ultimate in relaxation and fun.

Call Dr. Verville at the First Sign of Pain

If you’re a patient with a high risk of developing a stress fracture, and you’re experiencing pain in your foot, ice it, rest it, and conatct Dr. Verville at her office in Frisco for an appointment right away. She can be reached at (214) 385-8822.