Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

April 13, 2017

Frisco foot doctorYou schedule regular check-ups for your child at his or her pediatrician, dentist, and optometrist—but like many Frisco parents, you probably fail to book time with a foot doctor. There’s a misconception that foot doctor are only necessary when a foot condition or injury presents itself. The truth is that as soon as your child can walk without assistance, early intervention (and treatment, if necessary) can ensure your son or daughter will be able to stand strongly on their own two feet for years to come.

In addition to yearly wellness appointments, there are other reasons why your child may need to see a foot doctor in Frisco, like Dr. Verville.

Foot or Ankle Injury

We love our children for their boundless energy, but it also puts them at risk for dealing with all different types of injuries during their childhoods. Whether your child participates in organized sports or just loves to run around and explore, there’s a chance he or she could suffer an injury that would require the expertise of a foot doctor. Common childhood foot and ankle injuries include sprains, strains, broken bones, shin splints, and tendonitis.

Flat Feet

Have you noticed that your child’s foot doesn’t have an arch? Flat feet are common in infants and toddlers just because the arch simply hasn’t developed yet, but over time, they should outgrow this. If your child’s feet continue to stay flat, you should contact a Frisco foot doctor for diagnosis and treatment. If left untreated, flat feet can cause problems with the alignment of your child’s feet, ankles, and legs, as well as hinder mobility and range of motion.

Athlete’s Foot and Plantar Warts

Athlete’s foot is a skin disease caused by the growth of fungus in between the toes or other areas of the foot—and it’s highly contagious. If your son or daughter was walking around barefoot in a locker room, at a swimming pool, or in another public place, there’s a good chance they were exposed. That exposure, combined with wearing tight shoes or irregular washing of the feet, can result in Athlete’s foot. Treatment will vary depending on the child, so it’s best to see a foot doctor like Dr. Verville, who will be able to recommend the most effective product for your child’s condition.

Children may also be more likely to grow plantar warts on the soles of their feet or between toes. Like Athlete’s foot, plantar warts are contagious and can be picked up while walking around barefoot in public places.

If Something Doesn’t Seem Right, See a Foot Doctor

There are several different types of injuries and conditions of the foot or ankle that children can suffer from. If your child is in pain, has trouble walking correctly, or purposely seems to avoid active play, don’t wait it out to see if things get better—schedule an appointment with a foot care specialist who understands your child’s feet. Call Frisco podiatrist, Dr. Verville, at RNV Podiatry by dialing (214) 385-8822 today.