Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

January 19, 2017

Plantar fasciitisHammertoe is a toe deformity that typically affects the second, third, fourth and fifth toes. With hammertoe, the second joint of the toe sticks up in an unnatural position, causing the toe to look like a hammer or a claw. Hammertoe can cause pain, soreness, inflammation, redness, burning sensations and numbness in your foot and toes. It can also cause corns and calluses at the base of your toes, and restrict the movement of your big toe when you walk. There are a number of things that can cause hammertoe for Frisco patients, but one of the causes is wearing ill-fitting shoes. Read on to learn how shoes that are too tight, pointy or have high heels can cause hammertoe, and how you can have your hammertoes treated by Frisco area podiatrist Dr. Verville of RNV Podiatry.

Tight Shoes and Hammertoes.

Sometimes, Frisco women sacrifice comfort for fashion. But wearing shoes that are too snug is never a good idea. If you wear shoes that are too tight, especially in the toe area, it can cause your toes to bend in an unnatural position. Over time, these shoes can cause you to develop hammertoe.

Pointy Shoes and Hammertoes.

Pointy shoes may be fashionable, but they are never healthy for your feet. When you wear pointy shoes, you don’t give your toes enough room to move. You also put undue pressure on them and often cause them to bend up, placing them in the hammertoe position. If you wear pointy shoes too often, you can end up with a permanent deformity of your toes.

High Heels and Hammertoes.

High heels may be the traditional shoe for work and play, but they just aren’t a safe option for your feet. High heels can cause a number of painful foot conditions, including hammertoe. By placing your foot in an unnatural position for several hours a day, high heels put unnecessary pressure on your feet and toes. If you must wear high heels, Frisco podiatrist Dr. Verville suggests you limit your time in them, such as packing a pair of “commuter” sneakers with you to wear in between your home and the office or a night out on the town.

How is Hammertoe Treated?

Hammertoe is caused by a muscle and tendon imbalance, often due to placing your feet and toes in an unnatural position over an extended period of time by wearing shoes that don’t fit properly. Hammertoe will never go away without some sort of intervention or a change in your shoe wearing habits. According to Frisco area podiatrist Dr. Verville of RNV Podiatry, you can treat hammertoe by:

  • Avoiding tight, pointy shoes and instead wearing shoes with plenty of space in the toes (at least half an inch);
  • Avoiding high heels, or at least limiting heels to 2 inches;
  • Wearing hammertoe pads;
  • Icing your toes to reduce swelling;
  • Wearing prescription orthotics; and
  • In severe cases, surgery.

How Can I Get More Information on Hammertoe?

If you suspect you have hammertoe, it’s time for you to see Frisco area podiatrist Dr. Verville for a full examination and treatment plan. Schedule an appointment today by contacting her Frisco area office at (214) 385-8822.