Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rachel N. Verville

July 17, 2019

Stress fracture friscoStress fractures are not something to take lightly. Although many Frisco residents think that a stress fracture isn’t a big deal and that it will resolve on its own, it’s actually something that needs to be evaluated and treated by a qualified podiatrist like Dr. Verville of RNV Podiatry. Not giving your stress fracture the attention it deserves could lead to bigger, more painful problems down the road.

What Is A Stress Fracture?

A stress fracture is a small crack in the surface of the bone. They usually occur in the middle of the foot and towards the toes. Stress fractures are most often caused by overuse and repetitive activity that causes stress to the bones in the foot. Runners and athletes are some of the most affected by this type of fracture. They can also occur when people change their normal activities. For example, trying out a new exercise, intensifying workouts, or changing where and how you work-out. Additionally, if you are older, osteoporosis or other problems that cause the bones to become weak can lead to stress fractures.

Recovering From Stress Fractures

Once you have visited Dr. Verville’s office and she has diagnosed and treated your stress fracture, you’ll be on your way to recovery. But how long does it take for stress fractures to heal? The quick answer is about 6-8 weeks. This is typical for most men and women; however, the time could decrease, or increase based on the severity of your fracture and how well you follow your post-care instructions.

It is important to refrain from high-impact activities for as long as Dr. Verville recommends. Returning to activity too soon can put you at a higher risk for larger fractures or even breaks. If you re-injure your foot, it is most likely that you will have to recover even longer than you did the first time because the bone did not originally heal properly. We know Frisco is an exciting place and there are a lot of fun things to do, but you’ll need to make wise, conservative choices during your recovery.

Once your pain has gone away, Dr. Verville may choose to confirm that your stress fracture has healed properly by performing an x-ray or CT scan. If she determines you have healed well, she will give you specific instructions on how to carefully and slowly resume your normal daily activities. She may even recommend you alternate days of activity with days of rest. By doing this, your bone will continue to grow, and it will be able to tolerate more pressure and stress in the future.

Call Frisco’s RNV Podiatry To Learn More

If you are recovering from a stress fracture and have more questions about your recovery process and time frame, call Dr. Verville’s office today at (214) 385-8822 to talk to a member of her friendly staff.

Dr. Verville has over 10 years of experience treating foot and ankle ailments of men and women in the Frisco area, and she is ready to assist you as you recover from your stress fracture.