Achilles Tendon Injury
Achilles tendonitis is the inflammation of the tendon and may include small tears to the tendon. If left untreated, the condition can degenerate the tendon and lead to rupture of the tendon.

Ankle Sprain
A sprained ankle is all too regularly dismissed as a minor injury—until the condition worsens. A sprain stretches or tears the ligaments that stabilize the ankle and prevent side-to-side movement. It’s not a broken bone and ankles can completely heal on their own.

Arthritis Foot and Ankle
Osteoarthritis is a condition in which the cartilage, which cushions and protects the ends of your bones, begins to deteriorate. This commonly occurs in the foot and ankle but can eventually lead to total loss of cartilage in other joints. there are a variety of treatments that can relieve the pain.

Athlete’s Foot Treatment
These conditions can encourage the growth of fungus and lead to Athlete’s foot, a skin disease caused by the growth of fungus in between the toes or other areas of the foot. Athlete’s foot is contagious and can be spread easily. This makes prevention and early treatment essential to your foot health.

Bunions Surgery
Bunions often appear as bumps or an enlarged growth on the side of your big toe. This is often because your big toe leans towards your second toe instead of pointing straight ahead. Certain inherited foot types are prone to bunions due to the structure of the foot.

Corns & Calluses
A callus is a thickening and hardening of the skin, usually under the ball of the foot, due to consistent pressure and friction in that area. Corns are smaller than a callus and typically have a hard center surrounded by inflamed skin.

Diabetic Foot Treatment
Diabetics are prone to foot problems, due to the poor circulation and nerve damage caused by diabetes. Poor circulation reduces your foot’s ability to heal correctly. With proper diabetes management and careful foot care, amputation may be preventable in most circumstances.

Flat Feet
All cases of flat feet are the result of a collapsed arch that causes your entire foot to lay flat when standing. In some cases, flat feet can cause problems with the alignment of your feet, ankles and legs when it forces them to turn inward. This can hinder mobility and range of motion.

Foot Fractures
Nearly one fourth of all the bones in your body are located in your feet. When you fracture your foot, one of these bones is partially or completely broken. Fractures or breaks are often painful but are rarely disabling.

Foot Gout
If you are experiencing pain in the area around your big toe joint near your toenail, this could be the first sign of gout.

Fungal Toenail
Although often harmless, a fungal toe can quickly develop into a painful infection. Patients do not notice the first signs of fungal toe because they are often subtle and hard to recognize. But, identifying changes early on and going for immediate treatment can prevent the infection from spreading.

Ganglion Cyst
A ganglion cyst is a sac filled with a jelly-like fluid that originates from a tendon sheath or joint capsule. A common symptom is a noticeable lump and possible burning if the cyst is touching a nerve. Treatment options vary based on the severity and location of the ganglion cyst.

Hammertoes are a contracture of one or both joints in the toes. This abnormal bending can put pressure on the toes when wearing shoes, causing problems to develop.

Heel Pain
Heel spurs are often present when patients are actually experiencing discomfort from plantar fasciitis. A physical examination by Dr. Verville will often reveal plantar fasciitis as the underlying condition.

Ingrown Toenail
Outside of your genetic disposition, you may not be clipping your toenails as carefully or as often as you should. Luckily, early intervention can reduce most of the problems associated with ingrown toenails.

Morton’s Neuroma
Morton’s neuroma is a painful foot condition that affects the balls of your feet. It most commonly occurs between your third and fourth toes and feels as though you are standing on a pebble or small rock.

Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis develops over time from small rips and tears in the foot. You need a podiatrist with superb training and extensive experience with plantar fasciitis treatment who will take the time to professionally diagnose your foot condition and prescribe treatment to ensure a fast recovery.

Plantar Warts
A wart is a small growth on your skin that develops when skin is infected with a virus. Plantar warts are caused by direct contact with the human papilloma virus (HPV).

Soft Tissue Masses
Soft tissue masses are a build up, thickening, and hardening of the skin, usually under the ball of the foot, due to consistent pressure and friction to that area. This thickening of the skin is your foot’s natural reaction and attempt to protect itself against additional stress and pressure.

Tarsal Tunnel
Tarsal tunnel syndrome is the result of the compression or squeezing of nerves in the ankle region know as the tarsal tunnel. When these nerves are squeezed or compressed it causes a numb, tingling, burning sensation that can result in a shooting pain along the back of the leg and heel over time.

Tocylen Antifungal & Nail Renewal Solution
Tolcylen™ Solution is the only antifungal product of any kind that combines GDA approved antifungal medication with cosmetic and nail renewal agents in a low molecular weight, low surface tension base. These agents are proven to rapidly soften thin brittle thickened nails and normalize the color of darkened, discolored nails.