Plantar wart

A wart is a small growth on your skin that develops when skin is infected with a virus. Plantar warts are caused by direct contact with the human papilloma virus (HPV). Symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • Pain when walking or standing
  • Pain when squeezing the sides of the wart
  • Appearance of tiny black dots on the surface of the wart
  • Thickened skin at the site of the wart.

Treatment options vary depending on the size and location of the wart.

What Causes a Plantar Wart on Your Foot?

Plantar warts are caused by a very common viral skin infection. Most often plantar warts grow on the bottom or sole of the foot where friction and pressure occur. The growth produces thickened skin similar to a callus and can become painful and irritated when walking.

The virus is normally passed to the skin by direct contact in public areas such as showers and swimming pools. Common symptoms of plantar warts (foot warts) include:

  • Foot pain similar to a pebble or small stone stuck in your shoe.
  • Firm, rough, bumpy lesions with small dark spots.
  • Several warts joining together to form a larger wart.

If you are experiencing painful foot warts in between your toes or on the soles of your feet it may be due to plantar warts. A professional consultation from a Frisco podiatrist specializing in plantar warts is recommended to confirm your suspicion and treat the problem.

Let Us Know How We Can Help You

Contact us if you have any questions, or if you would like to request a consultation.

Dr verville with patient

Treatment Options for Your Plantar Wart

Options for treatment vary based on the length of time the plantar wart has been present and the severity of pain the warts are causing at the time of diagnosis. While treatment will vary from person to person, warts are commonly treated by:

  • Switching to more comfortable shoes.
  • Wearing shoe supports and inserts.
  • Padding and taping your foot to alleviate pressure and pain.
  • Taking medication to help control pain.
  • Prescription orthotic devices to help with mobility.

After you are diagnosed with a plantar wart, Dr. Verville will select a combination of treatments targeted to reduce your pain and remove your wart.

Plantar Wart Prevention

Plantar warts grow and are spread quickly because people neglect basic foot care. To help prevent foot warts and plantar warts follow these simple suggestions:

  • Avoid walking barefoot. Use shower thongs or sandals in public areas.
  • Change your shoes and socks daily.
  • Keep your feet clean and dry.
  • Avoid sharing socks and shoes with other people.

The best defense against a plantar’s wart is to take care of your feet before you develop problems.

If you need help with your plantar’s wart, call our Frisco office at (214) 385-8822 to schedule an appointment with Board Certified Dr. Verville.