Wearing the right running shoe can take you far…literally! No matter your level of running (be it casual jogs or 5K competitions), what you wear on your feet matters. So as you shop for the best type of footwear, remember that there’s more to consider than the brand and color scheme. It is essential that you consider your particular foot type: low arch, normal arch,...

More than 50% of diabetic foot amputations can be avoided according to podiatric research. This is great news considering that till just recently, there were few alternatives to amputation. A leading podiatrist (physician who treats feet, ankle and leg problems) says that the most common cause that sends diabetics to a hospital is their feet and it is also the easiest to prevent. There’s lot...

“My feet are killing me, swollen, and painful,” almost half of American women say that many times over the course of a few years. The other half says the same thing at least sometime or other. Why do women’s feet hurt more? Pregnancy, long hours of standing, sprains, household chores, carrying the children… well, the reasons are endless and painfully familiar to female feet. On...